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Finance Minister Rolls Out 5% Threshold for PPnBM

Finance Minister Rolls Out 5% Threshold for PPnBM

The Indonesian Finance Minister, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, has announced the implementation of a new 5% PPnBM threshold for "full-electric, battery-based electric motor vehicles" in Indonesia. This policy is effective from March 1, 2024, and will significantly impact the local electric vehicle market.
7 months ago
The Comprehensive Guide to Electric Vehicle Tax Credits: Unlocking Savings and Incentives

The Comprehensive Guide to Electric Vehicle Tax Credits: Unlocking Savings and Incentives

The transition to electric vehicles (EVs) has accelerated in recent years, driven by environmental concerns and the rising costs of fossil fuels. To encourage widespread adoption, governments around the world have implemented various incentives, including tax credits, to make EVs more affordable for consumers.
6 months ago
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